Light Move Festival
Lodz, Pologne
Réalisation : Leslie Epsztein & Camille Gross
“Breath” is a 5 min project around the theme of the tree and the connection to biodiversity to evoke the climatic emergency but especially to put forward the immutable and necessary link between humans and Nature.
« BREATH » pays homage to life and to Nature and wishes to magnify the connection between all the elements of the biosphere. Throughout the project, the different stages of this evolution will follow one another evoking this state of permanent balance between living beings and their environment until the appearance of a majestic tree, an indispensable symbol of life on Earth and a link between sky, earth and subsoil. Finally, all these connections will come together in an abundant finale, evoking the common breath between flora and humans.
Original soundtrack : Rémy Laurençon
Light Move Festival 2022